I know that when I was applying to school and it came to the section where it asked to declare a major, I froze. I knew that I didn't want to go into college undeclared, so I picked the one subject in high school I thoroughly enjoyed- psychology. I had no idea what I wanted to do with it, but I would figure it out later, right?
Well, here I am a sophomore in college and I still have no idea if psychology is really what I want to do. I tried the medical and clinical side of it and guess how long that lasted (not long). Now, I am studying the HR and business side of psychology and don't get me wrong, I like it, but what if it's not what I'm supposed to do?
What if I picked the wrong major?
This question has been echoing in the back of mind as I run through the list of possible majors I could choose. Biology? Statistics? Architecture? Maybe I'd be a good journalist. Who knows, but I can't be the only one thinking this. I'm not really sure what to do, it's not like I can take a crash course in my top 5 pick of majors. Although that would be nice...you could save a lot of money.
Anyways, the point is that I need to know if I picked the wrong major and find an answer to this question. There are a lot of online quizzes you can take to find the perfect major, but that probably isn't the best idea. Especially when the next recommended quiz is what Starbucks drink you are. The next step is to ask yourself - what do you imagine yourself doing in the future. Simple question with a lot answers, but be specific. Are you living lavishly? Where are you living? Who are you with? But most importantly, what are you doing? Are you waking up every morning and working a 6 hour office job or working on your own schedule? If you're happy with the answer to your question, the congratulations, stick to your major! If not, find out what will make you happy in the future and follow through. Chances are that if you aren't happy now, then you won't be later on.
If you are debating whether to switch a major, then look in depth into your future and determine what makes you happy. Remember, it's better to do sooner than later.