Never mention the word DATE.
Never let it slip off your tongue. Before you know it they will know all his friends, his driving record, where he lives and most likely his license plate number. Be prepared for an at home background check proudly sponsored by your brothers.
Going out on a date.
I bet you walked out very quietly in your best outfit to prevent any stirring in the house and hearing the two questions, "Where are you going and who will you be with?"
Bringing the potential boyfriend home..
You probably had a family meeting about this. You know to be nice, respectful and don't scare him off. I'm sure you've stressed about this and have warned him about your brothers.
When something goes wrong, you tell your brothers, after your best friend of course.
Let's get down to business.. even though they intimidate guys, their opinion will always matter and your brother's will stick with you through the highs and lows. Your brother is a relationship mentor, just as much as you are to him.
They'll Always Be Your Best Friend
Just remember, you've been by their side for MANY years. They may want to choke your boyfriend or you may want to pull their hair, but they'll always be a backbone to you. Through their protective demeanors, they love you and don't want your heart in the wrong hands.