If everyone isn't aware at this point, I'm obsessed with makeup. I get a rush when a new order comes to my door, and there is nothing in this world as beautiful as a brand new, untouched, MAC lipstick. I'll spend $30 on what's essentially just fancy water (yes I mean setting spray), and high intensity highlighters make me happier than a kid on Christmas morning.
Does this make me narcissistic? Does this make me a ‘bad woman’? Society has conditioned girls that they need to wear makeup, but as soon as they enjoy it, they're told to go bare-faced, God forbid they paint their face and hide their ‘natural beauty’.
No one should have to wear makeup, but no one should feel shamed for wanting too. I'm lucky that I live in an area where no one really cares that sometimes I wear dark purple lipstick to school, and have friends who buff my harsh lines when I contour at 5:30 am. I am lucky, because I know girls are called ‘liars’, ‘provocative’, and ‘fake’ if they wear makeup. A popular joke on Twitter this year involved tweeting pictures of famous beauty gurus side by side with picture of them without makeup, with the caption “take your girl swimming on the first date”.
If you're dumb enough to think that a person is cheating you because you believe their eyelids were naturally electric blue, then I think there's a bigger problem at hand. Boys and girls can wear makeup all they want, for whatever (healthy) reasons they want. No one should be making anyone wear makeup, but no one should be making people take it off either.
I once was with a boy who demanded that I stop wearing makeup, save for ‘natural’ colors on special occasions. This should never happen to anyone, because if you enjoy it, who has the right to take that away from you?
The next time someone tells you to stop wearing makeup, smile and nod, but then look them in the eyes while you re-apply your liquid lip.