It seems like in our society, we mostly see and hear about the negative events, that are happening in the world. That is why I do not like to watch the news every day. I know it is important to be informed, about what is going on. But I feel like after watching the news, you could end up feeling more scared of the world.
Sometimes I wonder, "Have times changed for the better or worse?" Honestly, my answers to this question are both yes and no. All people in the United States are allowed to have rights. A few of these rights include freedom of speech, freedom to worship, and the right to bear arms. There is nothing wrong if people would like to voice their opinionson why these rights are important to them. Or voice their opinions on events that are currently happening. These discussions should not result in violence.
It is a shame that in 2018, people are still so close-minded with their beliefs, and think it is okay to spread hate speech. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionaryhate speech is, "Intended to insult, offend, or intimidate a person because of traits (as race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability)."
I know that there will be people who will disagree with some of my opinions on important issues. However, I will never use any offensive language to intimidate someone to get my point across. We should at least respect each other as human beings because we all have feelings. Some people are just better at hiding their emotions, better than others.
If we would like to continue to make progress on finding possible solutions on important issues, we need to be open on making compromises.