If you are deciding which school
You should apply to?
Let me give you some counsel
Please consider the blue and gold
Located in New Hampshire
SNHU offers a number of majors
Online or offline
I’m positive you’ll do fine
Because that’s how it was for me
When I searched back in 2013
The advisor I spoke to
Was professional, had a great attitude
Gave me lots of options
For me to make my final decision
And so I was determined
To become a Penman
Into the blue and gold
My tuition was all paid
For by financial aid
The instructors were never unfair
Their instructions were all clear
And my grades came back great
So for four years I stayed
And then this year
I received my Bachelor’s.
So my advice to you
Please choose SNHU
My experience with them was sublime
So I’m sure you’ll do the same
My courses at SNHU online
Was worth my spacious time
The textbooks that I used
Helped me stay enthused
The leadership society that I joined
Had valuable tips for me to succeed
So I urge you the undecided
To give SNHU your commitment
Be a Penman today or in the near future
And let the blue and gold be your shining colors.