Life is a roller coaster; it is full of highs and lows, mountains and valleys, or whatever vertical-oriented metaphor you care to use. Despite the tremulous seasons we must face in our lives, we must hang onto our joy. I don’t intend joy to be equivalent to happiness in this regard. Happiness comes and goes along with the mountains and valleys. Joy, on the other hand, does not fade regardless of outside circumstances. It is consistent because the God it comes from is steadfast. Consider Theopedia’s definition of joy: “Joy is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence, and hope. It is something or someone that provides a source of happiness”. Joy, in this sense, does not disappear in the midst of trials, but still, we must decidedly choose to tap into this source of hope in the middle of a storm. A hope without fail comes when “the joy of the Lord is our strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Consider joy as a choice during your next wrong-side-of-the-bed day.
1. You can enjoy the little moments
At the end of the day, Ben Rector really did get it right. “’Cause life is not the mountain tops; it’s the walking in between.” Being drug into the monotonous frustration of a low point of life removes the pleasantry of the in between places. Tough times will come, but moments of fun, peace, love, and laughter still present themselves from time to time. You’ll enjoy life and find joy during sorrow if you choose to believe in the contentment of hope in something greater.
2. It's good for your health
Stress is not good for you. Your body and brain were not designed to frantically worry about everything but to find rest in the God who controls even the wind and the waves. Take a deep breath and trust Him. Your future wrinkles and headaches will thank you later.
3. Sorrow is a bearable weight
Have you ever tried to laugh when your heart was so heavy it was between your knees? It’s difficult to see hope in a time of despair. And, that’s ok. Joy does not mean you’re happy and unfeeling towards pain. It’s a match’s flame of hope in the deepest cave of your heart. Ecclesiastes 3:4 says there is “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance”. Joy doesn’t cause you to be happy at the death of a loved one, but it allows you to heal from the hurt with an infallible confidence in God’s goodness. Despite your despair, God reigns. Despite your fear, God is in control. Despite your pain, God empathizes. And the best part is that He is orchestrating something marvelous in you. Paul writes in James that we are to rejoice in times of trial because God is completing a work within us so we may be more in His likeness (James 1:2-4). There is joy in the darkest night with an eternally good Father.
4. Big problems don't seem so big
Psalm 94:19 says “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.” When problems pile up, remember how big God’s promises are. The best part is, He is always faithful to do what He says He will.
5. There's always hope to be found
Life abounds with Christ! Our hope is living, breathing, and eternal! Never will we have a reason to not rejoice, for our God overcame the grave. He loved us enough to pursue our hearts and reveal to us His gift of salvation. There is nothing to fear, for Jesus has washed our sins away. Hope is endless.
6. Life goes on
Sure, things to don’t always go your way. There are disappointments and challenges which must be defeated. But the beauty is life does not stop at one hard day. It keeps on moving, full of adventures and laughs to be had. Choosing joy allows you to embrace the fresh start you are given each morning. As the old child's song goes, "This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it!"
7. It's more fun
There are a time and place for tears. I certainly have days where I just need to cry sometimes. As true as this is, wallowing in self-pity leaves you empty and lonely. Choosing joy allows your heart to let go of the little things weighing down your soul and enjoy life. God desires for us, as His sons and daughters, to relish the gift of life He’s given. It's more fun to choose laughter.
8. You're more fun to be around when you smile
Friends are called by the Lord to “love at all times (Proverbs 17:17). All times includes the happy celebrations and teary struggles. That being said, Psalm 34:3 proclaims “Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!” As believers in God’s promises, we have reason to celebrate the glory of God! Praise His name together in all circumstances, and your friendships will be all the stronger. Dwelling on sorrows is not as appealing as acclaiming the glory of God with a fellow friend in Christ.
9. You're motivated to look outside yourself
Choosing joy amidst your own hurt opens your eyes to the world around you. No longer are your problems the center of your perspective; you can better serve and love those around you. Jesus poured out his love onto every person who came near Him. In our lives, we must do the same. It much more fulfilling to really see people and assist them during their hardest days.
10. We have a reason to choose joy!
The best way I can think to explain this is to let the Bible defend itself:
Ephesians 2:4-10
"But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
By grace, we are made free from our sin. Nothing we can do, say, or think could ever make us deserving of this gift from God. We have reason to celebrate! God has redeemed this sinner, and made me whole! Rejoice! Again, I say rejoice!