I know high school can be rough especially when you’re trying to have a job while juggling sports and a social life. But it’s possible because I did it.
I worked all four years of high school with a local marketing agency now called Alison South Marketing Group. I had no intentions of ever going into the marketing field, but this company still introduced me to so many more opportunities and so many more experiences than any fast food corporation ever could.
Some people say that the best first jobs to have are in fast food or retail, and while those jobs are great, and somebody needs to work them, working with a small business can bring so many more benefits.
I would never have imagined the connections and relationships I have built with this company. I’ve been able to watch and help grow what used to be a one-town small business into what is now a three-location business that services much of the south-east.
But even aside from business growth, this company brought me so many relationships with people even outside of the business. I had the chance to get to know major businesses in the area on a more personal level that have now helped me get new jobs and even helped others get jobs.
As being apart of a family that owns a small business and with working for another small business, I’ve had the real chance to get to know the interworkings of a successful business. Allowing me to have the upper-hand in many business encounters.
I now know what it means to be "business professional." I know how to detect the difference in tone between business and personally speaking. And I even know the dangers that come from mixing business and personal.
I know it can seem much easier to just walk in your nearest fast food or department store and apply for a job. And I know sometimes it can even seem like some small businesses aren’t even hiring. But if you make it a point to walk in a small business and introduce yourself with confidence and ask for a job, most businesses will see what they can do to get you a job in their company.
After all, most all small business owners always love contributing to the community in any way they can.