On Thursday July 14, 2016, there was a truck driver who killed at least 70 and injured over 100 people in Nice, France. He forced terror and panic into the lives of adults and children alike.
On Thursday July 14, 2016, a Police Officer in Kenya shot seven of his colleagues and held more hostage -there is currently no given motive.
On Thursday July 7, 2016, five Dallas Cops were shot in response to the shootings of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling.
On Wednesday July 6, 2016, Philando Castile was fatally shot by an officer in front of his girlfriend and child while reaching to get his gun license.
On Tuesday July 5, 2016, Alton Sterling, a father of 5, was fatally shot by an officer while he was pinned down, unable to move.
There are so many more disasters, in just this year alone, that I don't have the time, space, or want to name. In just over one week we've killed so many innocent people. Deaths that did not need to occur. Deaths that should not have occurred. The lives of so many have been lost due to the decreasing empathetic thinking within the people of this world.
Why is this violence needed? Why do we have the urge to kill people because of their skin or simply 'just because.' It hurts my heart that so many are willing to destroy the lives of others within a matter of seconds.
The attack in Nice, France happened on Bastille Day. They were celebrating a monumental day in their history. Thousands crowded around to celebrate and be merry. Now they will live in fear. When next year's Bastille day they will fear. When the next big festival or holiday occurs, they will fear. These men have instilled fear that will take years, if ever, to erase. It will take so much for these men, women, and children to feel safe.
We have that in this country too. Black people already fear their lives, and now they fear even within the safety of their homes and cars. I've heard stories about having to hide your face to keep from getting arrested. Their option is to hide or to speak out and be taken for protesting peacefully. We have so many books, movies, musicals, documentaries- all documenting events similar to those happening now. However, there are still those who believe this to be right and good.
We, as humans, need to re-evaluate the compassion we hold for other humans. We need to end the senseless violence and the consistent terror that runs through the veins of many-including myself.
We HAVE to chose LIFE over DEATH. We cannot continue to build this country, or any country, on the deaths of our fellow men and women.
We HAVE to chose LIFE over DEATH.
We HAVE to chose LIFE.
Please, Choose LIFE.