Recently, I was asked the question "Are you happy?". Well, what does it mean to be happy? What do you have to do? If everybody wants to be happy in life, then why aren't people?
I think there is a huge sense of vulnerability attached to letting yourself be happy. It's an acceptance that you cannot change what has happened in your past, forcing yourself to not overthink the aspects of your future, and allowing yourself to do what will make you happy now. I really think that the main problem is that people want to love everything they do, but sometimes they fall short. And this hurt brings such a severe pain that they put up this hypothetical gate in order to protect themselves. But people who love are happy. Love the person you are, the life you live, and the people you live it with.
A large amount of the time people are searching for some major reason to make themselves happy. But, have you ever thought that maybe the reason you aren't happy is because you're putting so much pressure on these major events to go right in the future; that in the meantime you forget about the small things that already make you happy? Stop focusing too much on the future and the big things and just let yourself be happy, here now.
If there is a situation that is weighing on your shoulders, confront it and fix it. If you focus too much on the negatives, find two positives in the day and focus only on those. Don't let anything or anybody, especially yourself, stop you from being happy. Let your gate be open, maybe then you'll realize that there are so many little pieces of love surrounding you to be happy about; you just simply couldn't see over the fencing.
So, if I asked you right now, "Are you happy?" What would you say? I answered "No." If you would too, then maybe it's finally time to do something about it.