You've probably heard it all your life . . . Being kind and humble is the "right thing to do." But if that isn't enough to convince you, consider this: kindness can actually help you get ahead in life.
Not only this, but it opens endless doors. Being smart, wealthy, or beautiful might help but in the end, those attributes are static. Being a genuinely good hearted, caring person is instantly appealing to anyone. Don't get it twisted, being kind is not the same as being a doormat. Contrary to popular belief you CAN disagree with people and still be nice about it.
All of this starts out with yourself first. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Be kinder to yourself, and then let your kindness flood the world. Instantly your life will begin to change.
"Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." -Scott Adams. Little things like smiling at strangers, opening doors for people, letting someone in when traffic is bad, giving an honest compliment, and just saying hello to a passerby in the grocery store make a big difference. Although these things may seem minuscule, you never know what kind of effects they might have on someone. For all you know, you may just save a life.
When you are kind to people, 9 times out of 10 it is a better benefit to you than it is to them. Always remember this: if you have to choose between being kind and being cool, always choose being kind and you will always be cool.