I am not sorry for you. Not anymore. Let me start by saying I used to be that girl who wore her feelings on her fingertips all the time. While sometimes that is still the case, I am getting better. I used to cling to people just to keep them in my life, even if I knew they were no good for me. But not anymore. I used to apologize about who I was as a person, telling myself that it was me who was most likely the problem. Not anymore.
That was the biggest lie I ever told myself; that I was the problem. Because in reality, I was not the problem. You were the problem. I always try to save everyone, but I need to remember to save myself. I am not sorry that you walked out of my life. I am not sorry that you were mean to me. I am not sorry about who I am or the way I live my life. I am not sorry for who my friends are or how I like to spend my free time. If it bothers you, then you do not have to be a part of my life anymore. I do not mean to sound so rude or harsh, but it is a fact of life.
I decided that I am so extremely over trying to please everyone around me. People pleasing can only take you so far before it starts to take away who you are as a person. I am finally genuinely happy with my life and I do not need to explain my happiness to anyone at all. I choose not to surround myself with people who cannot be happy that I am happy. If you cannot help but talk down to me, please go ahead and leave now. If you cannot not support me through the bad AND the good, then leave.
The best part of life is that you wake up every morning and have a new opportunity to become a happier version of yourself. You wake up and have a new opportunity to make a difference, to make someone smile, to give a hug, to change a life. I saw a quote on Pinterest that said, "God says 'the reason why some people have walked away from you without reason has nothing to do with you. It is because I have removed them from your life because they cannot go where I am taking you next. They would only hinder you at the next level because they have already served their purpose in your life. Let them go and keep moving. Greater is coming your way'". I wish nothing but absolute happiness for those who have walked out of my life. I hope they accomplish their goals and reach their dreams. I hope they wake up every day and find total happiness within themselves.
Life is too short to waste time trying to please those around you, especially those who couldn't care less. It is too short to spend your time focusing on making those around you happy before you focus on your own happiness. I am here to tell you to be selfish. Be so unbelievably selfish when it comes to your own happiness. Focus on you. Save yourself. Remember that no matter how educated, rich, talented, or cool you may think you are, the way you treat people tells all and will be your legacy when you leave.