We are all just people living on planet earth. No one can help the color of their skin, the shape of their bodies, or who they love. Why do we have so much hate in today’s world? Everyone should feel safe walking down the street whether they are Christian, Wiccan, Muslim, or anything else. We should treat everyone equal.
That guy who has a boyfriend that you called a fag can’t go home. He cries himself to sleep and is bullied every day. He just wants his family and his friends to accept him for who he is. If being gay is a choice, why would someone choose to be victimized?!? Did you wake up and think, “Man I really want to be straight today”? Because I know I didn’t. He may be a police man who stops a burglar from robbing you. Kicking your child out of the house, ignoring them, abusing them, or sending them to consoling isn’t going to change the fact they are gay. Stop the hate and just love them for who they are.
That girl you just called the N word can’t help that her parents are both African American. She didn’t choose her skin color or her parents. She is still beautiful even if she is different than you. You make have been attacked by someone who had similar skin color to her, but that doesn’t mean she will attack you. She may be a lawyer who defends you in court for something you didn’t do. Don’t stereotype people, because not everyone is the same even if they have the same skin color.
The girl wearing a hijab isn’t a terrorist. She’s far from it, just a girl who loves her religion. She can’t wear something from her religion without being judged, yet you can wear a cross necklace and no one says a word to you. How fair is that? The man who sits next to you on a plane, with a beard and is obviously from Iraqi decedent, isn’t going to blow up the plane.He is just going to visit his family just like you plan to. He may be a doctor who saves your life one day. Don’t judge a book by its cover.
The young boy who wore the color pink and preferred to wear tutus instead of camo shorts isn’t weird. He was just born into the wrong body. He is transgender. As parents when people ask what gender you want while you’re pregnant, normally you just say we don’t care as long as he or she is healthy. Why does that change? Wouldn’t you rather have a child who may be different, but is still alive? Or would you rather have a child who hates themselves, self-harms, and maybe not live to see their 18th birthday? That transgender boy maybe the teacher who your child calls “Miss” and is excited to go see every day. That teacher could impact your child’s life in a positive way. Don’t let gender make decisions for you.
A woman can’t make the decision for whether to keep a baby or not. A woman doesn’t get paid as much as a man. A woman doesn’t get taken as serious as a man. A woman must pay for feminine products while a man can go get free condoms any time he wants. The woman can’t decide when she is going to have her menstrual cycle. The woman can’t help the parts she is born with.Why should we judge someone for the parts they have between their legs?
Anything a man can do a woman can do. Racial stereotypes don’t decide how hard someone works. Religion shouldn’t stop someone from feeling safe wearing their religious clothing. Everyone should be created equal. No one can help they are born.Don’t belittle someone just because they are different than you. Don’t start fights with someone just because they don’t agree with you. Everyone has a right to their opinions, religions, relationships, and clothing. Don’t be a hateful person, choose equality.