I'm a big believer in self-care, wellness, and healthy living. I also believe that this goes so much deeper than food and exercise, but also mental health. Last year I started on an intentional journey to live a healthier lifestyle for my mind and soul and this included finding things that I could incorporate into my everyday life to have better and brighter days. Needless to say, I found these things and they have changed my life. So, I'm sharing in hopes that they can help you as well.
One thing I try to incorporate into my daily life is time and appreciation in nature. Whether it's driving with the windows down, studying on my patio, or taking the longer walking route on campus, I try to spend at least a little bit of time in nature every day. The sun, smells, and colors just have a way of brightening my day and putting me in a better mood.
Another thing I do daily is encouraging and lifting myself up. Sometimes it's something as little as saying in my head something like, "I did the best I could on that exam and I'm sure I did great." Sometimes I need to say to myself, "Your body looks fine. You're healthy and happy and strong. Don't compare yourself to anyone else." It all depends on the day or the season I'm in. But every single day I try to lift myself up in some way.
Something else that I try to do every day is, as simple as it sounds, doing at least one thing that I enjoy. I know that if I am not intentional about this, I will go through the day working, running around, doing all the things I need to do and come back exhausted. So, even if it's just getting a snack I like or calling my mom for a few minutes while I'm walking to class, I try to do things that I know I enjoy every day. Most days I spend extremely busy and all I have time for is lighting a candle and playing some of my favorite music before I go to bed. Whatever it is, it's important to make time and space for the things you love.
I encourage you to try some of these things to make your days a little brighter. Take time for you. Prioritize your happiness and mental health.