Life is short and extremely precious.
I'm not sure about you but I use to believe that I had all the time in the world to make certain choices. "It's okay", I thought, "I'll do it another day." However, as each day passes, life changes. Sometimes, as a society, we believe that we have all the time in the world to make important decisions that will forever impact our life. The problem is, we don't have as much time as we like to think. We have to seize the opportunities we get to make the important choices in our life so they (the choices) don't get chosen for us. If we take our time with the time we have, one day we will wake up and realize it has all slipped away. There is the potentiality that the doors to make an important decision (and get the outcome we desire) could be closed forever. Here are some ways that I believe we can avoid those doors getting closed forever.
Just speak your mind.
What's the worst that can happen?
Sometimes, cliches are cliches for a reason. Ever heard this one, "The truth can set you free." It's true, the truth can set you free. It can help you either move on from something or finally get you what you have been asking for. Sometimes all you have to do is be honest with yourself first and then the truth will guide you into making a decision. If you speak your mind and let it all out, then you never get to say the 'what-ifs'. You'll never have to worry about what could have happened. You'll never have to worry about what you should have said or should have done.
If you’re not making mistakes often, you’re not learning and if you’re not learning, you’re not really growing, so speak. Get whatever you are feeling off your chest. Believe me, you'll feel better.
Ask the question.
Is it worth it?
Ask yourself, ask your parents, ask your boss, ask your friends, ask the person who keeps sending you mixed signals, or even ask your ex the burning questions you're dying to know the answers to. Don't feel shy to have discussions to seek answers. If you want answers then you need to be brave enough to ask the hard questions, the questions that can determine your future or change the course of your life.
Don't Be Hard On Yourself
Everything will be okay.
Expect more, love yourself a little more, forgive yourself more often, and know your worth. Be aware of your true self or who you’re becoming. Be proud of your journey, of your scars, and your progress. Each and every one that is reading this, know you have worth. You have what it takes to make it through this life. Yes, it's hard but I promise you that Everything will be okay.
We must take chances and make mistakes, it's how we grow. Pain nourishes courage. We have to believe in ourselves, even (if we have to) take a leap of faith. Sometimes you have to fail in order to practice being brave.
Don’t settle for living a life that doesn’t excite you.
While you can’t go back and change the past, you can always carve your future.You can choose which chances to take and which ones to give up, you can choose which chapters to rewrite and which ones to end. If you don't take a chance, you don't stand a chance. You can choose which doors to reopen and which doors to close forever. You can always choose to take another chance, to give a second chance, to start over and to let chances guide you.
Sometimes all you need is one chance to change your life and you will never know what it is if you’re always taking the easy way out. Chances are always calling you, desperately waiting for you to answer. Life is all about jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down.
Remember, we all have important choices to make in this lifetime. Sometimes, it will not be the easiest time making them but it so extremely important that WE make them and no one else does.