We all have our views on what an ideal relationship is. In these modern times, we see images of these ideal relationships across the internet and all over social media . Personally, I think we should not let these sometimes false curations of happiness change our relationships. Whatever makes you and your partner happy should never change because of what you see on social media. Staying true to each other's beliefs is the key to interpersonal happiness, and it all comes back to chivalry.
The history of chivalry dates back to medieval period and is in connection to the moral and social code that medieval knights used to follow. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary chivalry is a system that values such things as loyalty and honor towards women. I believe we should follow along with this code no matter what stands in our way. Often times it is the world around us that heavily influences our personal views on how to treat women. History has changed overtime. Granted, change is inevitable, but there were many occasions in which our country exhibited that chivalry had died and respect for females was at at all time low.
Chivalry in the modern world seems to be rather unpopular, which is discouraging. We see examples of the sheer lack of respect women get which is blatantly wrong I was brought up in a family where it was taught from a very young age that you respect women and never lay a hand on them NO MATTER WHAT. As I grow up, I see all these examples in the news of professional athletes laying hands on their girlfriends and what not. Seeing that really hits home for me because I have a twin sister, If I ever saw or heard of a time where she was being disrespected or not treated correctly, I would out right lose it. Being fair wouldn't we all do the same? Its a family member, in my case a twin sibling. I'm not saying that all the guys out there treat women poorly but there are a majority of men who do, or simply don't know how to treat a female right.
I do think that as a collective group we need to try our very best to treat these women in our lives, be that girlfriends or relatives, with the utmost respect. Women appreciate a guy who treats them right believe it or not, so why not. To all the women out there reading this, chivalry isn't dead.