I would consider myself a feminist.
I'm taking a huge leap by saying this because of the negative connotation that the word feminist carries. When you say you're a feminist, a lot of people will, unfortunately, assume that you hate men, you're always angry, you don't believe in marriage, and that you reject makeup, fashion, and getting your hair done.
Among those several misconceptions, it has become commonplace to believe that feminists also reject the concept of chivalry. Now if you know me, you know that none of those are true about myself and many other people who don the title of feminist.
I was raised to have certain standards when it came to any relationship I hold with a man. They should be kind, respectful, and 100% accepting of who I am, at the least. My dad also taught me that they should open the door for me, whether that be getting into a car or going into my house. They should let me order first and pay for my meals when we go out to eat.
Now I've learned that these things aren't always going to happen and that's okay. However, I don't think that because I'm a feminist that I shouldn't be allowed to appreciate these chivalrous acts.
Yes, I'm a feminist, and I want to see women recognize the same level of success as men. But yes, I also want my door held open for me, and that doesn't make me a hypocrite.
A very important lesson I've come to terms with is that we, women, don't have to lose in order to gain. We don't need men to shut doors for us so we can prove that we can open them ourselves. Let it be a given that we can do anything they can do (better), we don't need to go out of our way to make things more difficult in order to show our strength.
With all the things working to divide us in this country, feminism has especially become one of those issues. Those who believe in it cling so tightly to it that they reject anything that strays from the extreme. Those who are tired of feminism see it as a bad word and reject anything that resembles it.
Whether you won't let a guy hold the elevator for you or buy you a drink or whether you think feminism is all about man-hating and bra-burning, it's become a crutch for both sides. It's made everyone uncomfortable with the way we interact with that word, so I think it's time to take it back to what it really is- equality.
We can get so caught up in trying to prove a point that we forget what that point really is- equality. Equality doesn't mean rejecting kindness. Heck, I say let's embrace and take all we can get! So yes, I'm going to let that boy hold the door for me, but I'm not going to stop supporting women reaching success as men do. Boy or girl, let's all give and get as much kindness as you can and this world will be a better place.