July 1st, 2016 was a glorious day for millions of people across the country. This is due to the fact that Chipotle implemented a reward program for the restaurant’s many loyal customers.
Customers will have from July 1st until September 30th to eat, gain, and claim the many different prizes.
In order to start building towards rewards, customers have to go to their local Chipotle and pick up a Chiptopia summer reward card, which requires simple online registration. Customers who register their reward card before July 31st will receive a free order of chips and guacamole with their first qualifying purchase. There is an option that allows customers to use a digital version of their rewards card that can be saved as an image on their smartphone or can be accessed by logging into their account on their smartphone. Customers can obtain a physical card in-store and switch to a digital card, however, if a customer starts with a digital card there is no way of activating that particular account to a physical card.
The main purpose of this reward system is to keep customers coming back. So no matter how many purchases a customer makes a day, only one will count per day towards their rewards. At the beginning of each month of the promotion, customer’s purchase count will be reset and they will have to build their participation level back up. It should also be noted that customers only have a 30-day period to claim earned rewards.
Chipotle’s Chiptopia reward program consists of three levels of customer participation: Mild, Medium, and Hot. In order to reach the mild level of participation, customers must swipe for four different valid purchases on four different days throughout the month. The Medium level of participation requires customers to make eight different valid purchases throughout the month with the hot level of participation requiring 11 valid purchases. Every time a customer is able to achieve a new level of participation, they receive a free entrée. The cool thing about this reward system is that the free entrées earned can be used towards achieving a higher level of participation and other free entrées.
The rewards don’t stop
there, as customers qualify for bonus rewards if they are able to achieve the
same level of participation for the duration of the promotion. Customers that
wish to obtain these bonus rewards must register their rewards card by July
31st as it is required to have the month of July count towards the three-month
requirement of the bonus rewards
Customers that qualify for bonus rewards, will receive notification through their account, similar to the basic rewards. If you achieve the mild bonus reward, which is another free entrée, you simply need to present your Chiptopia reward card at checkout. Customers that achieve the medium bonus reward, which is $20 worth of Chipotle merchandise, simply need to use their Chiptopia reward card number as a promotional code on the Chipotle store website at store.chipotle.com. Customers that achieve the hot bonus reward, which is a Chipotle-catered meal for 20 people, simply need to present their Chiptopia reward card once they pick up their catering order. Customers should know that there is a limit of one bonus reward per customer and that the bonus rewards are not cumulative.
If you’ve ever needed an excuse to devour Chipotle for dinner on numerous occasions throughout the week, here it is. This rewards program is a great way to show your loyalty to the franchise while receiving some pretty sweet rewards at the same time.