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6 Reasons The World Needs More People Like Chip and Joanna Gaines

Like seriously, they're the best.

6 Reasons The World Needs More People Like Chip and Joanna Gaines

Chip and Joanna Gaines: the epitome of all-star Americans. They went from every day Americans to rich in around 10 years. Joanna, known as a southern belle who has an impeccable taste for shiplap, fashion and all things interior design and Chip, known for his humor and great work ethic have not only filled our television screens but also our hearts. Although they have great successes, they have never lost who they are as people. They still remain class-acts who we can all admire. If the world had more people like them, it would be a better place. Here are 6 reasons the world needs more Gaineses.

1. We need more hard workers and people who are excited about working

Chip and Jo love their job, there is no doubt about it. The passion for their jobs can be seen by visiting the Silos and watching their show. Their work is apart of who they are. In today's society, for most, work is just a way to survive, and most people hate it so they do the bare minimum. It shouldn't be that way for everyone. Chip and Jo are the models of the quote, "If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life." The world needs people who work hard and are excited about their job. You should never do a job that you only put a small effort into. If you love your job, your life is so much better. Chip and Jo prove it.

2. We need people who show their faith and aren't ashamed of it

Chip an Jo are epic examples of how God wants us to act. They're selfless, patient and care about others deeply. The world needs people who aren't ashamed to talk about their faith. The world today desperately needs a savior. Chip and Jo strive to be a light in the world and we will forever be thankful for it.

3. We need more family-oriented people

Chip and Jo are one of the most family-oriented celebrity couples. Their family is at the center of everything they do. Often, celebrities tend to not be so family-oriented. Chip and Jo are laying that stereotype to rest. Everything this couple does is for the benefit of their family. The world needs people who love their families endlessly. People get so wrapped up in their careers they forget about their children. Chip and Jo are constantly seen with their children, and they even gave up doing the show because they felt they weren't with their kids enough. There's nothing wrong with loving your career but not at the cost of losing your family.

4. We need men to be loving like Chip, but women who understand it's okay to be independent like Jo

Raise your hand if you're sick of men always being manly and women always being dependent. Chip and Jo are constantly breaking those stereotypes. Jo is fine to do her own thing and Chip is there when she needs him. Couples that are independent are the healthiest in my opinion. Of course, you should want to be around each other, but not dying if you're apart is a sign that you are both content and mature. Chip and Jo = relationship goals.

5. We need people who show love to every person they come into contact with

One of my favorite things about Chip and Jo is how they show love to not only each other but also other people. They are kind and they let other people know how much they mean to them. It's a lesson we all should learn. We all have bad days, but Chip and Jo show us that kindness and showing love never goes out of style.

6. We need more people who are fearless in who they are

People today can be so scared to be themselves. You don't need to act like anyone else. Chip is fearlessly himself. He will goof around and joke with others even in the most awkward moments. He reminds us to find the fun in everything. Be unapologetically you, don't worry about what others think. You are living your best life when you aren't afraid to be yourself. Be quirky, be intelligent, be awkward, be sociable, be kind, be honest, be you.

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