I feel like every year as the holidays come and go and the new year approaches, people start to look back on their past year and reflect on everything that happened and how much they've grown and all that jazz. Am I the only one who looks back and thinks the opposite?
Each new year I genuinely feel the exact same as before. And yes, my life obviously changes each year, but I don't feel any different. I feel the same. I don't really feel older. I definitely don't feel like an adult, even though that boat is fast approaching.
The new year puts so much pressure on everyone to make their resolutions and have the best year of their life, and these expectations more often than not do not get fulfilled, and people are just left feeling more disappointed. Now, goals are all well and good, but not when they do more harm than good. We should start just living our lives as best we can, and if that includes making goals for yourself, great. But don't let them dictate your life, and definitely don't let not reaching one dictate your year.