I've been volunteering in children's ministry on and off for years and I've noticed the signs that only those involved in children's ministry understand.
1. All you NEED is Jesus...but you know you also want a little bit of coffee.
Jesus keeps you going. Coffee just helps keep you awake.
2. Your Pinterest is full of anything and everything kids.
Pinterest now offers sections within boards which help organize crafts, game, and decor ideas. Still, your newsfeeds is overcome with a lot of parenting tips even if you don't have a kid of your own.
3. People give you weird looks when they peak into your shopping cart.
Yes, I do need both 64 lbs of black beans and also 16 star balloons. You can ask why but you probably still won't understand. I don't even understand sometimes.
4. There’s at least one week of summer you’re completely booked.
VBS may be a challenge that absolutely consumes your life, but all the hard work is worth it when all the kids are having the time of their life.
5. You have dozens of photos and videos of kids being either completely adorable or ridiculous on your phone.
There are moments that just warm your heart and 99% of the time they involve kids.
6. You have children worship songs stuck in your heads for DAYS!
It may be months after VBS but those songs still have the power to randomly pop into your head when you least expect it.
7. And you feel kind of like a Zumba instructor when you lead worship at times.
Is it weird to be sore after worship? Only if you're leading worship for kids!
8. The voice you use with kids comes more natural than your actual voice and you find yourself using it with adults.
It's second nature at this point. Your friends know it comes with the territory but they don't always appreciate being spoken to like a 2-year old.
9. You feel like you've searched the entire internet for object lesson inspiration.
Our google search history is filled with craft and game ideas for object lessons.
10. Kids have drawn pictures of you during their free time.
Sometimes the main church's sermon runs a little long so you have to fill time with coloring sheets and blank pieces of paper. The kids giving you pictures of you is just the cutest thing. I dare you not to smile at their creation.
11. You’ve been known to snack on kid’s treats from time to time.
Regardless of what anyone says, animal crackers and goldfish make a hearty breakfast on Sunday mornings.
12. And you like to play games you loved as a kid when you help on Sundays.
Losing at battleship and connect 4 isn't half bad when your opponent is between the ages of 6 and 10.
13. You stay clear away from anything glitter at ALL TIMES.
Glitter is just a mess. You must stay away or else reap what you sow.
14. People think all you do is play with kids, but you know the truth.
Children pastors are a Godsent and the amount of planning they put into everything amazes me. It's not all just hanging with kids. When you get to see the behind the scenes, it makes you appreciate them all the more.
15. Dress up days are totally normal
Pajama day, superhero day, etc. They allow you to dress up as crazy as you want to and the kids are there for it!
16. You sometimes only know people by who their kids are.
"Karen? Oh Johnny and Sarah's mom, got it!"
17. And you know that when you see the kids growing in their faith, it makes all the chaos and hard work worth it.
Probably my favorite part of it all is having a kid using what they learn and applying it to their lives. It's such a win!
Volunteering and working in children's ministry is one chaotic challenge, but also the most rewarding when you see those kids discover how great the love of Jesus is.