Humane dog shelters (non-kill) do their best to find forever homes for the pooches who wander in with past lived as battered as their bodies. Shelters give the dogs a place to sleep, make sure they’re healthy, and supply as much kibble as they can.
But sometimes it’s not enough.
The Humane Society of Missouri decided that everyone needs a good bedtime story, even the furry people.
No, I’m not referring to overly hairy people…
Just recently, the “Shelter Buddies Reading Program” was created to let children into the animal sanctuary so they could read to the dogs. You heard me, correctly, and yes it's as adorable as you'd think.
Not only do the cats get to socialize and feel some love, but the kids get to practice their reading while cuddling with a furry feline. What could be better than that?
So having a friendly voice visit to sit and read to them is amazing for these animals, who have done nothing to be placed in the position they are in but will still graciously accept visitors as new BFFS.
These stories have spread throughout the nation, and have certainly created a universal "Awww!" that rocked the states. Donations for both shelters have spiked dramatically and now more programs are being created everyday.
The Humane Shelter of Missouri encourages other animal sanctuaries to implement their own reading curriculums. With books being donated and just a room to teach the children in, the cost is next to nothing. The payoff is well worth it.