It can be hard for parents to figure out the best toys to include in their homes. If you’re considering adding foam blocks to your child’s toy chest, it’s important to understand what these blocks are made of and related health concerns. This guide will help you determine if foam blocks are safe and how to choose the best ones for your child to play with.
How safe are foam blocks?
When shopping for foam blocks, beware of the kind that contains harmful chemicals that may be harmful to your child's health. This is because foam blocks are created by compressing synthetic plastics, which creates a harmful chemical byproduct. It also makes them extremely flammable. These dangerous chemicals can cause severe allergic reactions if a child breathes them in or if they get into their eyes or mouth.
Styrofoam or EPS
If you’re considering giving your child blocks to play with, it’s important to know what they’re made of. There are two types of foam blocks on the market, Styrofoam and Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). The difference between these two types has to do with how the chemicals in them react when they get hot or are under pressure.
The majority of foam blocks sold today are made with EPS as they will not burn as easily as Styrofoam. Moreover, blocks with EPS won’t release toxic fumes when they get hot or are under pressure.
The Benefit of Foam Blocks
From a cognitive perspective, playing with big foam blocks has many advantages for children. Children can learn about shapes and sizes by building something out of them or using them for patterns. They can also learn how numbers relate as they build models that need certain amounts of different pieces.
Kids will also develop spatial skills and problem-solving skills as they try out different structures. From there, their motor skills will get more practice as they see what happens when they use varying pressures and speeds in building something out of foam blocks.
Additional Safety Tips for Foam Blocks
Kids should not use foam blocks if they have any physical limitations or health issues. If they’re under three years old, they should play with foam blocks only under adult supervision. Likewise, no child should sit or stand on a block of any size or weight and no block bigger than four by four feet
Foam blocks can be a safe option for your child’s toy collection. Keep this information in mind as you learn more about how to keep your kids healthy when playing with foam blocks.