Whatever fascinates us will guide us, so I pray that the only thing that will fascinate me is God and His marvelous glory. – A.W. Tozer
Before entering college, I had this skewed thinking that everyone was the same, in a general sense. I thought everyone knew right from wrong, each person had a set of morals that were close to mine, and that surely everyone’s mom made them go to church on Sunday morning. However, as soon as I stepped foot onto my college campus, my way of thinking was completely blown out of the water.
I was shocked at the lifestyles people were openly living, but also curious about them. I knew that some of the choices they were making weren’t good ones, but I wasn’t entirely sure why I was always taught not to partake in those things. However, in reading Ephesians 4:17-24, it is evident that once we are followers of Christ, we are called to put off the old ways in which we once lived and in turn, be transformed to look more like Jesus.
It is a daily battle for me to keep my eyes focused on Jesus, rather than the things of this world. Ephesians 4:22 says, “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires.” On a college campus, in the workplace, and even at home, this concept is largely challenging. Every day, you and I must make the conscious effort to be in the world, but not of the world. Like Tozer said, whatever captures our attention will lead us; this is why it is so important that we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and allow Him to transform us.
The thought of leaving behind former ways is sometimes difficult for me. Being surrounded by tempting pathways to bad choices is prevalent in college, but I have to remind myself that as a follower of Jesus, I am to fight and put off my old self and desires. Jesus never promised that following Him would be easy, in fact, there are several things we must give up in order to do so. But, in turn, we are made new in the attitude of our minds. Our way of thinking changes. The desires of our hearts shift. When we are chiseled away at, it’s not always a pleasant experience, but we can be confident that God is shaping us to look more like Him.
Choosing to put off my old ways and be transformed by the renewing of my mind does not make me better than my neighbor, just different. When people see that there is something different about you, you stand out. They become curious and want to know why you choose not to participate in certain things, and this is an open door for you to share the reasons that putting off your old self and its sinful desires and being made new in Christ is worth the fight.
If you strike just one match in a dark room, it is impossible to not notice the light. When you act in a way that is honoring to the Lord in a sea of people drowning in their corrupt lifestyles, people will notice. As a follower of Jesus, you are called to act, think, and live in a way that is in complete contrast to the world. In the darkness, people are always drawn to the light. Live as children of Light.