Coming back to your childhood room brings back a lot of memories--good and bad. It reminds you of where you came from and of what's important to you. It's the place you can't believe that you painted that horrible color, the place that saw you through braces and zits and middle school dances, the place that saw you into college or out into the world. It's the place where you grew up.
There is something that separates it from the rest of your childhood house--maybe it's because it was the one place in the house that was at least partly yours. Maybe it's because you spent so much time in there, and because you can still see the posters and stickers and the glow in the dark stars that you put up on the walls that have seen you grow and change. Sometimes, leaving your childhood room can be even harder than leaving your friends and family.
Coming home to my room is something that is special for me, especially with all the changes that have happened in such a short period of time since going to college. My bed that I've had since before I can remember, all of the peeling and fading posters on the walls, the closet full of old clothes that no longer feel like "me", that old desk where I always did my homework - they all have a different meaning now that I don't spend most of my time in that room anymore.
And as weird as it sounds, I appreciate all of the stuff in my room now. It all has different memories attached to it, and so when I open my dresser I see the scratch that I tried to hide from mom for so long, and in my desk I find old essays and college brochures, and I remember what I felt in those moments.
All of the memories that I have from my childhood are here, and at least for me that is one thing that helps ground me and helps me remember where I came from when I come home. I was lucky enough to not have to move around a lot when I was little, but some people don't have that. Some people don't have one single childhood room to come back to.
My childhood room will always be a part of me and a part of my story, and coming back to it reminds me of who I am and what I am made of. It reminds me of everything that I have done in my life, and it serves as a place that I can grow from in my future.