So I've been feeling super nostalgic recently. Not to mention I have way too much free time on my hands. Here are 6 things I was spending my time doing as a kid.
1. Tamagotchi
These virtual pets were the most popular things for a while. I'm pretty sure I had the exact one in the picture. I remember obsessing over my pet so much that I got thumb cramps. I also think they got banned from my school because too many people were busy feeding their pets and not paying attention to the ABC's. Also... am I the only one who remembers the food in this toy being really weird looking?
2. Don't Wake Daddy
This game was my absolute fave and I can't even tell you why. I remember spending hours playing the game with my siblings and never getting tired of it. I still remember my heart racing as I moved my piece as quick as possible to make sure I didn't wake up the dad... oh, how I miss these times.
3. Parcheesi
Okay, honestly, I'm not sure how many people played this game. but let me tell you, it was the bomb. I was always the elephant because my favorite color was blue and I ALWAYS WON. (I totally learned how to cheat from this game... two 6's every time was my specialty.)
4. Waterful Ring-Toss
Why do I miss this toy? I'm not sure. I guess my 5-year-old self thought this was entertaining and honestly, so does my 19-year-old self.
5. Candy Land
So this one isn't really a toy but still, I miss it. I recently played this game and it's not nearly as fun as I remember. You literally just move along the board. There's nothing else involved. I have no idea why I liked this game, but the colors are pretty. And the Jolly Gumdrop thing is literally me.
6. Play-Doh Dr. Drill 'N Fill
This was probably the nerdiest toy I every owned but it was also the best! This was also the sole reason I wanted to be a dentist for the longest time. It's the only time I every touched play-doh and I could probably enjoy playing it just as much today. I'm definitely getting this for my future kids (and myself.)
This is probably the most random array of toys and games from my childhood, but if anyone wants to come over and play with them... I'm so down.