Growing up we naturally idolize older siblings, parents, athletes, and performers. We wanted to be just like them and have their superpowers/strengths. For me, I would dream of being a Jedi, I always wanted to wield a lightsaber and have the force just like Obi-Wan. Was this unrealistic? Yes, but did it provide me with excitement and a thrill to try new things in life? Of course!
We all need dreams and aspirations to strive for because without them what would we have left? Empty minds and broken hearts? See, when kids dream of what they could become it ignites a light. A light of creativity and want to do something bigger than themselves, without dreams I would have not of joined theatre and become the confident performer I am today.
Dreaming as a kid taught me how to be imaginative and keep an open mind, every time I would watch Star Wars and see the awesome fight scenes and amazing lightsaber skills I would conjure a drive. My stomach would start doing flip-flops and all I could think about was how I could create my own scene and battle with my brother.
As a kid dreaming is necessary, it helps us grow and find what we are truly passionate about. For me dreaming about Star Wars transitioned into how a scene developed and the actors portrayed their role. That is when I found theatre my freshmen year of high school and truly found a passion for acting/singing.
Dreaming helps us grow as an individual and creates a drive to find our passion. If we encourage dreaming within the younger generations the only thing it can lead to is more creativity and happier adults as they mature.