Dear Childhood Bedroom,
I miss you. A lot. My college experience is not going to be the same without you. Believe me, the beds here are not near as comfortable as the one you provided. Also, the white walls here are killing me. I will miss being able to paint you whenever you needed a facelift and I loved redecorating you. I will miss the spacious closet you provided me with, as well as the roomy dresser. All my little mementos and memories are stashed within your small square footage. You were a part of me for so long, and believe me, I will never forget you.
I want to thank you for being there for me through every big change in my life. You witnessed a lot in my eighteen years. I want to thank you for providing me comfort, warmth, and refuge. You were somewhere to go when I was feeling down, or when I just wanted a break from a chaotic day. You were there in my happy times, and for all the sleepovers and giggles in my life. Your four walls hold my deepest secrets and fears. You watched me change from a child to an adult and you comforted me day in and day out. I am forever grateful to you for that.
You hosted the best fashion shows, concerts, and facial bars in the world. You saw a ton of fights that I had with my sister over clothes but you also got to see the two of us have some of our most memorable moments there too. You have really been my closest friend, it is kind of weird to not see you everyday. I cannot wait to see you again on breaks and in the summertime though!
I'll miss you so much. As sad as I am to have to let you go, I am also really excited to make some new memories in my new, small, white dorm room. It is time to let you go but I want you to know that you will forever be my favorite.
If my little siblings try to haggle mom and dad to let them take you from me, don't let it happen.