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top 10 shows i watched growing up That i still think about today

I can't help but accept that I am the way I am due to the ridiculous television I consumed as a child.

top 10 shows i watched growing up That i still think about today

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I am proud of my sense of humor. It's something I value and something I use as a defense tactic if I feel uncomfortable. Whenever I reflect on it, I always arrive at the conclusion that the media I consumed growing up must have had some part of it. Clearly, there are other things as well, but I watched a lot TV growing up. I've had friends that say their parents were highly restrictive with their screen time as well as what programs they were allowed to view. For me, however, nothing was off-limits as long as I could find it on daytime cable. As a movie fanatic, the first time I watched John Carpenter's "Halloween," I wasn't over 8 years old.

The Disney Channel empire sucked me in like no other. I admired the stars I watched on programs like "Hannah Montana" and "That's So Raven." When I watch these shows today, I still find their punch-lines humorous. I think I grew up in the golden age of children/pre-teen television. These shows were comedic gold and could dive into deeper subject matters.

From "Degrassi: The Next Generation" to "Hannah Montana," here are shows I watched growing up that still affect me today.

1. "Degrassi: The Next Generation"

There's nothing sweeter than finding another former-"Degrassi" super fan and discussing it like it's "Game of Thrones." I probably wasn't the show's target audience when I was in 4th grade, but I still was a loyal fan of this show. This program has the most mature subject matter on this list. This was the first show where I became absorbed in character development and storylines. I also learned what the term "abortion" meant, the dangers of eating disorders, the consequences of sex and much more. Although it can be argued that I was much too young to be exposed to topics like these, I believe it was a good way to effectively teach me some of the dangers of growing up. I have seen each episode in this series through season 11 at least two times over.

2. "Drake and Josh"

This show is still hilarious in 2018. Although there has been controversy surrounding Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider parting ways, there's no denying that Schneider is a mastermind for creating this show. In my opinion, four seasons of this program wasn't nearly enough. The odd humor featured in this show definitely had an effect on what I think is funny now.

3. "That's So Raven"

"That's So Raven" wins the creativity jackpot in my book. A psychic teen that has futuristic visions that the audience can see? Sign me up. This show seemed to have it all. A psychic, an annoying brother, a clueless best friend, a quirky dad and a high school teacher that sweats profusely. It looks bizarre when I type it out, but this show will always be one of my guilty pleasures.

4. "Full House"

I remember one summer when I was in elementary school where I would count down the minutes until 10 a.m. when the "Full House" hour started on ABC Family. I managed to watch the entire series this summer. This show has humor, heart and a model family that could make anyone jealous. Like "Degrassi," this is a show I could still relate to today, even in my twenties.

5. "iCarly"

It wasn't the end of the world when "Drake & Josh" came to an end because "iCarly" was released shortly after. This program's quirky humor can still make me laugh out loud when I think of some of the scenes. For example, they have a teacher that is obsessed with "American Idol" judge Randy Jackson and keeps a closet packed with Randy Jackson novelties. It's things like this that can make this show seem like an SNL skit. This show inspired my best friends and me to become obsessed with creating YouTube videos of our own (clearly, with the lack of iKayla in the world, it never worked out).

6. "Spongebob Squarepants"

Someone told me once that if you watched "Spongebob" growing up, your IQ is lower than those who didn't. I don't know how much I believe that, but this is my favorite cartoon, so I wouldn't be too heartbroken if it was. Packed with inside jokes only "Spongebob" connoisseurs would understand, this silly cartoon is one I can still sit through without getting bored. It's funny, somehow relatable and adorable.

7. "Hannah Montana"

When I think of "Hannah Montana," strong feelings of nostalgia overcome me. This show proved that it's possible to be a mega-pop star who doubles as a regular 13-year-old girl living in luscious Malibu. This series was a phenomenon. Not only was it an uber popular television series, it also created a musical empire. Obsessed is an understatement when I think back to how much I loved this show when I was a kid. I'm still waiting for my alter-ego pop-star to be recognized.

8. "The Fairly OddParents"

This cartoon contributed to every kid's expansive imagination. It also showed through animation that kids are more capable than adults think. By making adults out to be dumb and obnoxious and kids as smart as can be, this show made me feel invincible. Although it can't compete against "Spongebob," this is an excellent cartoon.

9. "Big Time Rush"

Like "Hannah Montana," I was a huge fan of this show, as well as the music that came out of it. This is the story of four hockey-crazed Minnesotans who cut a big break in California with a record deal. This show spoke to my own secret dreams, and I think that's why I liked it so much. It's also ridiculous and quirky.

10. "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody"

Last but not least, "Zack & Cody." This Disney Channel show was hilarious and knew how to develop characters. I still have a huge crush on Cole Sprouse. This featured video still is one of the scariest ghost scenes I've ever seen, and it's from a children's show.

There you have it. My top 10 picks for best childhood shows.

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