We all have that friend that you have known forever. Lets face it, your mom probably loves that friend more then she loves you. You have had your ups and downs, butted heads, screamed at one another but at the end of the day you truly love and know everything about one another. I am forever thankful for my childhood friend and the relationship we have had for the last 18 years. Below are 10 reasons to be grateful for childhood friends.
1. Forever Lasting
Friends are hard to find, let alone having a friendship that will last a lifetime. That childhood friend will always be there no mater the distance that may come in between you.
2. Second Family
Growing up you were blessed with a second family that was always there if you needed anything. You probably spent days on end over their house and they never kicked you out (even if you did eat all the food in the fridge). They introduced you as another one of their children, and they will forever be apart of your life and success.
3. They Know You
They are the person that truly knows you; what makes you tick, what makes you laugh and how to help you when nothing is going right in life. No one will ever be able to do this not your mom or even future husband.
4. Speech
When you get married you can most definitely count on them standing up in your wedding. Now when it comes to them giving them that amazing speech thats not only full of tears of joy, a mix of sadness but it will also be comical probably talking about some of your "best" moments (you probably want to cover you in-laws ears)
5. Aunt/Uncle
Nothing with be better then your kid automatically having a aunt or uncle, a second family and someone you can trust your children with no mater what the situation
You will always have someone by your side, hold onto that childhood friend.