Why Chick-fil-A Is The Absolute Best
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Why Chick-fil-A Is The Absolute Best

From both the perspective of a customer, and an employee, these were easily the most popular reasons why Chick-fil-A is the absolute best franchised fast food restaurant in America.

Why Chick-fil-A Is The Absolute Best

As both a customer and an employee, here are some of the many reasons why Chick-fil-A is the absolute best fast food chain restaurant around (in no particular order!).

1. Chick-fil-A Cares

Friendly staff and a friendlier environment create excellent customer service! And in the case that you aren't happy, there are usually Care Cards that you can leave a comment on with your information to hear back!

2. Delicious Food

Everything is almost always fresh, hot, and as delicious looking as the pictures tell. There's a variety of food, although this also varies among locations.

3. Quick service

Chick-fil-A is known for its lines. Have no fear, Chick-fil-A cashiers are here! While keeping their friendly attitudes, staff at Chick-fil-A get your food out as soon as they can - literally!

4. Free Refills

Hello?! That says it all! Chick-fil-A offers free same-day refills on all drinks, including lemonade and sweet teas! So if you think you'll want a refill, do not throw your cup away.That's love right there.

5. Sincerity

Although their great customer service almost always makes up for any mishaps, they're sincere in their apologies and will even offer a coupon for your next visit! The employees at Chick-fil-A are generally known for their genuine smiles and optimistic tones.

6. Sauces

Chick-fil-A offers a variety of sauces (7 total, not including mayonnaise) at no extra charge.

7. Milkshakes

They may not be classic hand scooped milkshakes, but these are definitely a close second. They're perfectly blended by hand, and the seasonal flavors make that few dollars worth it even more than before!

8. Waffle Fries

Waffles? Fries? Any Size? Oh my! Chick-fil-A has to have the best waffle fries on this planet. You can even buy a side of cheese dipping sauce on the side!

9. It's Chicken

No, I mean it. It's legit chicken. Thawed, breaded, and fried boneless chicken breasts, nuggets, strips. Mmmmm.

10. Kid's Meals

They're not only super cheap, but include non-gender differentiated toys that provide information on real life things or cute stories instead of mindless games or activities.

11. Healthy Options

As unhealthy as fast food is, Chick-fil-A actually has options for those who are health conscious (obviously I'm not one of those people). Grilled nuggets, side salads, superfood side salads, fruit cups, Greek yogurt parfaits, diet splenda-made lemonade and unsweetened iced tea.

12. Promotion Days

Chick-fil-A always has an event going on! There's National Cow Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Family Nights, Food Stands at local events, National Milkshake Day, etc. These are promotional days where you can dress up, win prizes, take photos, etc. All events are family friendly and super fun! Each location's event calendars may vary.

13. Catering Pick-up and Delivery

Pamphlet formed catering menus with all kinds of information is great when you're thinking about having a party or staff meeting! Delivering isn't a flat rate fee, as the items are individually priced, but you can get any food hot to be served right away or chilled to be served at a later time.

14. Chick-fil-A Scholarships

Chick-fil-A employees have the opportunity to earn $1,000 for every 2,000 hours you work!

15. The Cow

Yes, emphasis on the. Their mascot is a cow who has trouble spelling. How cute is that?! At many events you can see the cow come out for pictures and even just to say hi and aw, look! There's a calf too.

16. Calendars

Chick-fil-A has their own calendars that are presented around December every year! These calendars are very affordable, creatively designed, always themed and even include a calendar card that has free items for every month of the year! The Calendar Cards always promote free food and beverages that are well worth their money. May 2016's offer is any of their larger salads. That pays for the calendar right there!

Their customers are loyal, and their employees love the company. Family friendly, a boat load of promotions and opportunities, and when I think Chick-fil-A, I think happy. If those aren't obvious reasons why Chick-fil-A is the absolute best, then please tell me! If you disagree? Let them know how to improve your experience at your choice location or online here! (They're quick to reply and always helpful.)

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