Reasons Chicago Is The Best City | The Odyssey Online
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5 Reasons Chicago Is The Best City In The World

Have you ever wondered why Chicago is one of the best cities in the world? Check out some of the reasons a Chicago native loves the Windy City.

5 Reasons Chicago Is The Best City In The World

Chicago is a place unlike any other, the windy city is truly one of a kind and if you ever get the chance to visit you must consider yourself lucky. As a native, I thought it would be best to draw upon my own experiences and explain why this is actually the best city in the world.

1. The big city, small town feel

Whether you are from the city of Chicago, or the suburbs of Chicago, being away from it can make you feel connected with anyone you meet that is also from there. While being away at school in Arizona, I have met so many people that are from Chicago, and with that, I feel a connection with them that I may not feel with someone else from another state. This gives me more of a feeling of home when I am away at school. It also has made me realize that it is such a small world yet it has made me open my eyes to how big the city really is.

2. The food is to die for

Portillos, Lou Malnati's, and Giordano's are three of the must-stop restaurants in the Chicago area. While Chicago is known for its divine list of restaurants and food, these three are among some of the best pizza and hot dogs you will find there. Whether you prefer a more cheesy deep-dish pizza like Giordano's, or a messy tomato paste pizza like Lou Malnati's, you can't go wrong at either of these places to get a Chicago slice. At Portillo's, you won't find a better hot dog, cheese fries, or Italian beef for miles once you have had it.

3. The beauty of the skyline

Whether you are from the city of Chicago, or the suburbs of Chicago, being away from it can make you feel connected with anyone you meet that is also from there. While being away at school in Arizona, I have met so many people that are from Chicago, and with that, I feel a connection with them that I may not feel with someone else from another state. This gives me more of a feeling of home when I am away at school. It also has made me realize that it is such a small world yet it has made me open my eyes to how big the city really is.

4. Chicago sports are always on top

Whether you are a baseball, hockey, basketball, or football fan, Chicago has it all. With the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series in 2016, and the Chicago Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup in 2013 and 2015, Chicago is home to some of the best in sports. However, don't be fooled by the perfection known in Chicago sports, there is always friendly competition between the Chicago Cubs and the Chicago White Sox between the North and South side. Wrigley Field is home to the Chicago Cubs and also a popular venue for music events. The food selection at all the sports venues around Chicago can't be beat either.

5. The culture

Chicago is home to some of the best events such as Lollapalooza, the Taste of Chicago, and Movies in the Park at Millennium Park. Nothing brings people more together and more open to new types of people and cultures than these types of events. These occasions attract people from all over the United States, and even other countries in order to see certain artists and experience the Chicago traditions. These are just some of the events that take place in Chicago that make it so unique and one of the best places to live.

So if you get the chance to visit, I 10/10 recommend making this a stop on your list!

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