Going to school approximately 400 miles away from Chicago, I have realized my love for the city. I thought I just loved cities in general, and I would learn to love Minneapolis just the same. Boy, was I wrong! Minneapolis just did not compete at all with the city that has taken my heart. Now, a quick disclaimer, I've grown up in the suburbs, but you know what? Chicago is my city just as much as a person who does live in Cook County.
So, here's 10 things that make Chicago the #1 city in America, and in my heart.
1. Chicago has some of the strangest tourist attractions.
What other city can you go and have a (very large) digitized face spit on you?
2. The cultural diversity within this city is such a wonderful thing.
You can walk down some streets and feel like you were transported to an entirely different place on the globe and become immersed into their amazing culture.
3. When St. Patrick's day is near, we all turn Irish to see our river turn bright green.
Who knew so many people loved seeing water such an unnatural color green?
4. Chicago has such a rich history behind its tall buildings.
From The Great Chicago Fire to hosting The World's Fair, and many more.
5. Chicago's sports teams may not always be the best, but the fans are the most faithful of any city.
The Blackhawks are the only good thing we've got to cheer for and yes, this will be the year for the Cubs.
6. The food here is incredible, and I would eat it every day if I could.
Deep dish pizza is the only right way to eat pizza and don't you ever put ketchup on our vienna beef.
7. Our accents (for the most part) live up to the stereotype.
I treat it as a way to carry my ChicAHgo pride with me wherever I go around the country.
8. Chicago takes LSD every single day, and makes out of towners very concerned.
It stands for Lake Shore Drive, thank you very much.
9. The murals and street art in Chicago expresses how amazing talented their citizens are.
10. For the last point, I'll just leave you with this magnificent photo of our great city.
A picture really does speak a thousand words, doesn't it?
I could keep this list going on forever, and I probably will. Chicago has such a special place in my heart and I can't wait until school is over so I can run back to the best city in the U.S. So take that, New York City.