Four games left. That's all the Chicago Cubs have left before they end a 108-year drought and decades of disappointment. Four games, and all the "maybe next years" and "the curse is real" are about to become undone.
Let me preface this by saying I'm not a die-hard Cubs fan, only following them these past few years. But trust me, this isn't another article about how the Chicago Cubs are making history with winning their recent pennant to the Fall Classic, their last appearance being in 1945 - this is why Chicago needs the Cubs to win the World Series.
Recapping 2016 so far, there's been a lot of tension and distrust. From Chicago Public School protests to the multitude of homicides, all you seem to hear about in the news these days is how bad Chicago is, even referenced in this past Presidential debate. There's a distrust against Chicago's police force in the wake of high-profile officer-involved shootings, like Laquan McDonald. Gun and gang violence are rising, and 2016 is considered the deadliest year for the city in two decades.
At the same time, the upcoming election has a lot of people worried and nervous about the results and the state of the future. With Black Lives Matters protests happening and professionals taking a stand against social injustice, the fight against ISIL culminating to retaking Mosul, no matter who you are, change is about to happen whether that's a good thing or not.
Therefore, a World Series victory is so much more than a title for the city of Chicago. It's a distraction from all the negative things going on, and it's a sign of hope and unity, that we can rally around each other to bring positive energy to the city that's been surrounded by negative media and tension. It's a sign that patience and loyalty are rewarded to the fans who have waited for generations for a title. It's even a sign of renewal in the hearts and minds of Chicagoans everywhere. And while there are certainly some who might not care about the Cubs or baseball in general, there are some who have been waiting for decades for this exact moment.
So, whether you're a Cubs or a White Sox fan, nothing is more beautiful than seeing a city- your city- come together, put aside differences, and rally together. Even across the nation. While victory is no stranger in this city because of the Blackhawks, in this case- it's the Cubs winning the World Series, potentially doing something that generations before haven't even witnessed. It's about flipping the script and making history.
Wherever you are, here's my charge to you: let's fly that W. And with pride and in unity, let everyone hear our voices.
Go Cubs, Go.