The series I'll be sharing is my first attempt to using my Nikon FE with UltraMax Kodak 35mm film. The Nikon Fe was set to manual mode and I'm happy I had a chance to use it during my visit to Columbus, Ohio and Chicago, Illinois. I'm quite impressed with myself and the quality of work I produced, considering I'm new at this.
It was also my first time in Chicago and I absolutely fell in LOVE with this city. From the transit system to the brick buildings, the city reminded me of a miniature New York. I can still feel the hot-humid air on my skin. Throughout the day my skin felt sticky from my own sweat and thick city smog. I had to shower overtime I arrived back to the apartment after a long day of walking and train rides. I would purposely wonder around downtown in hopes to see something new. There were moments when I couldn't figure out which way was East or West. At some point I made my way to Humboldt ave, a neighborhood filled with Puerto Rican people. From flags, puerto rican Spanish, murals, and food- I felt like I belonged in that area. Before arriving to Chicago my friends and family were "warning" me about what I was getting into. Why? I'm a city girl from San Francisco, I was born and raised in the Mission. Yeah they were kind of right.. Chicago is dealing with an increase in poverty levels, homelessness, gangs, and drug wars. But what we all need to recognize is every city in the world has this problem. Why would it be any different for me, a city girl going into another city?
The day I spent on Humboldt ave, I couldn't have felt more at home. I was connected with the community and aware of the things people wished were better. But I knew I was where I needed to be that day. I was meant to get lost and experience Humboldt ave. That day I took the bus back to my small apartment in Chicago. When arrived back, I was alone and at peace in my small white-wall apartment. I took my sweaty shoes off and quickly laid on my bed. I picked up my book and started to read. There was a moment of solitude and I felt connected with myself. I was filled with love, serenity, and happiness. A tear fell down my salty cheek because inside I was overwhelmed with all these emotions. Truth is, I didn't know how to control these sudden feelings. It was my first time gaining a sense of self awareness and consciousness. I knew in that moment my mind had opened up to a new experience and I was the right place at the right time. I finally awoke.. It was perfect.
I don't know if I'll ever have an experience like the one in Chicago again, but I'm looking forward to opening my mind and learning take in this much needed energy my mind and body have been yearning. When it does I'll understand how to better control it. Anyways.. I've included a few photos from Chicago trip below, each photo has a special memory and I want to share them with you.