As the first chord rings out, Hozier’s “Cherry Wine” seems to be a soothing portrayal of an intimate relationship. The recent release of the music video for the song, however, shows that the song is anything but. In the video, actors Saoirse Ronan and Moe Dunford play a couple who seem to be intensely and contently in love. In the next frame of the video, however, Ronan wipes the makeup from her eye to reveal a deep purple bruise. As the song ends, a single tear slides down her cheek. The watcher is left stunned as a hashtag flashes across the screen: #FaceUpToDomesticViolence.
It is not new for artists to use their music as a social platform for change, but when so many so many modern songs have superficial, excessively sexual, and even objectifying lyrics (see “Blurred Lines”), it is certainly unusual. Andrew Hozier-Bryne, unlike many other celebrities, is no stranger to taking a stance. In the past, he used the music video for “Take Me to Church” as a social platform for gay rights. With “Cherry Wine,” Hozier again showed his concern for the current state of affairs. As statistics for domestic violence continue to rise, taking action is imperative.
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) reported that on average, nearly 20 individuals per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner. In a year, the statistic means that a staggering 10 million men and women suffer this sort of violence. The cycle of abuse is not only physical, but psychological—the reason abused partners have difficulty leaving obviously harmful relationships. A reported 48.4 percent of women and 48.8 percent of men experience some type of psychological abuse in their lives, and psychological abuse often corresponds with physical abuse. The abuser might apologize or state that the act of violence was a protective measure, and the abused partner feels as though their abuser deserves another chance. In some cases, women and men are afraid for their own lives if they leave an abusive relationship. Women are more than 70 times as likely to be murdered by an abusive partner after they leave the relationship than at any other time (NCADV).
In “Cherry Wine,” Dunford shows remorse and silently begs for forgiveness as he strokes Ronan’s bruised face. The relationship is complicated and may even appear loving on the surface, but there is a monster lurking under the surface. Abuse is not always obvious. Abuse does not always manifest in loud arguments, purple bruises, and locked bathroom doors, but it can be found in apologetic kisses and words the abused have trouble articulating.
While the video may be triggering for some viewers, it sends an essential message regarding domestic violence. “Cherry Wine” breaks the silence on a topic that many individuals are afraid to open up about, and Hozier attempts to get the conversation rolling. Since the video premiered on Valentine’s Day, it has surpassed one and a half million views.
The proceeds from the sales of the music video benefit various domestic violence charities worldwide. Watch Hozier’s “Cherry Wine” here.