Everything I am, everything I have I owe to my parents. They are the most amazing people I know. And yes, I know, everyone says that about their own parents, but my parents are truly unlike any others. They really are the best.
You see, my parents are not just the coolest and goofiest people around, but they are also the kindest and selfless. Every second I get to spend with them is one that I cherish.
I am eternally grateful for each and everything they've done for me. Even when things were a struggle, they never failed to provide for my sister and I. Through every hardship, through every tragedy we encountered, they were our leaders, our rocks. Their strength and perseverance are what motivates me. From watching them go through life, seeing how they treat others, how they value hard work and kindness, they've taught me more than they could possibly know.
Some of my absolute favorite memories I have are my parents, sister and I just hanging out, laughing about how goofy and weird we all are, not having a care in the world, us just living in the moment and genuinely enjoying each other's company. It's those small moments I will cherish forever.
As I'm getting older, it's becoming more and more clear that they are too. And that scares me. It's impossible to image a day when I can't call them when they won't be there to lift me up when I'm feeling down, or make me laugh until I cry. Which is why I take advantage of each and every moment I have with them.
It's sometimes sad when I see friends who don't want to spend that time with their family, because at the end of the day, that time, those opportunities to make those special memories with them is fleeting. They won't be there forever. And that is not something you'll want to look back and wish you had done.
I am perfectly content with spending time at home when I visit from college, for going on a family trip whenever I get the chance because my family is everything to me.
I love sitting on the couch having a movie night with my parents. I love going to Disney and just laughing about how much fun we have. I love those road trips where we all sing completely off-tune because none of us can actually sing. Those are the moments that matter.
And I know I might not always be the greatest to be around. I get grumpy and sometimes am not a complete ray of sunshine. But just know that even when I suck sometimes, I always appreciate you.
Thank you both for everything you've done for me, for all the sacrifices, for the laughs, the endless memories, for truly making my life wonderful. I am so grateful for both of you and don't know what I'd do without you.
Love you to the moon and back mom and dad.