This one is for all those science majors out there. Most of us have no intention of ever working in a lab, or having anything to do with chemistry, but by the time we graduate, we will definitely know which chemicals we can and cannot mix together. With that being said...
1. I hope I can mix these chemicals together
Let's be honest here... I forgot to label what this is when I poured this into the beaker, so I honestly have no idea what I'm mixing.
2. If I spill this on myself will it burn?
Surely not....right? They wouldn't give us stuff that would burn us, would they?
3. Update: it does not burn... I know because I spilled it on myself
It's probably a good thing they don't give us stuff that could actually burn us.
4. Does my lab partner think I'm stupid?
I'm not sure if this chick thinks I'm the smartest person because I can bull crap my way through this lab, or if she knows how bad I truly am at this.
5. Is this the right equation?
I'm just going to plug these numbers into every equation I can think of until I get a number thats close enough.
6. Did we learn this in class?
Probably not... actually no I definitely have never seen this ever.
7. I wonder if the smart kid will let me copy his/her lab?
Maybe if I offer to buy his/her lunch or something?
8. I understand I'm a science major, but I NEVER want to work in a lab.
I will work in a hospital, with people. I don't want to be anywhere around all these chemicals and this equipment.
These thoughts, as well as many others, go through my head every single week when I suffer through a 3 hour lab. We'll make it.