If you are like me, then you went through a minor... or major..... or are still slightly obsessive alternative music phase. All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, Simple Plan, and of course the king of the genre My Chemical Romance. Their songs were fantastic and opened the doors to many to vent out their emotions. Because who else fully understands what it is like to be teenager longing to impress their crush like Simple Plan or everyone's equal hatred of teenagers being insane individuals like My Chemical Romance?
Alternative music gave this generation it's "screw you" mentality while also pointing out that we all go through the same terrible events, and that no one actually has the "perfect" family or home life. While this generation will not put up with anyone's insanity for too long or be a stepping stool, we also understand that people are actually dealing with mental issues and need help. Most of the band members that we have come to love and adore have dealt with depression, near suicide, abuse, and a plethora of other horrid events to overcome. These singers were not just our musical heroes, but our actual heroes and role models.
But all good things must come to an end, as we have seen repeatedly with these heroes. We all grow up and change, and the small, close-nit band mates slowly began hate each other with each passing year and needed to go different ways. But there is always hope that the heroes will rise again as we need them. Fall Out Boy came back together just in time to be popular with both the younger generation through Disney films and to also reconnect with the college age adults who went to these Disney films to relive their childhood. Panic! At The Disco is back at full force with his beautiful solo act self. And now the king shall return!
In case you got buried by all the Taylor Swift drama, here is the scoop. MCR released a teaser trailer to their song 'Welcome to the Black Parade' that still has the power for me to belt out the entire song with just the opening three cords. This trailer showed their new logo rising from a fog and the date 9/23/16. This would be a month before the ten year anniversary on the song in October. There has been much speculation as to what this video means, but the vast majority (me being part of it) believed it to be a reunion of some sort, even a "greatest hit tour" would be appreciated. However, the band claims that this will be just a re-release of their famed song.
My Chemical Romance is needed right here, right now. Who else can perfectly sum up this election year and how insane our society is other than these boys. We have entered the Black Parade, now how to do deal with it?