5 Empowering Cheetah Girls Songs That Made Me Into The Woman I Am Today | The Odyssey Online
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5 Empowering Cheetah Girls Songs That Made Me Into The Woman I Am Today

They're the feminist icons we still need in 2018.

5 Empowering Cheetah Girls Songs That Made Me Into The Woman I Am Today

Disney Channel released The Cheetah Girls in 2003. I was an impressionable kid back then. At a time when I was looking up to strong individuals and understanding just how powerful women truly were, The Cheetah Girls came along and changed my life. Nearly 15 years later, their songs and the messages within them still resonate hard and true and remind me to be the best woman I can be. Here are 5 of their hottest (and most empowering) hits:

5. It’s Gonna Be Alright

It's gonna be alright

Everything is getting better

It's all gonna work out in time

It’s gonna be alright

I’ve always been an avid believer in things working out for the best in the end. This smooth, R&B inspired song reminds its listeners to stay optimistic when times are tough. We all experience bumpy rides, and suffer our own hardships.

We go through periods of time where positive experiences seem far out of reach, and begin to believe things could only go downhill. Growing up, It's Gonna Be Alright became one of my most listened to songs. At a time when I thoughts things would stay in the dark, this song only reminded me to keep holding on.

4. Strut

You gotta strut like you mean it

Free your mind

It's not enough just to dream it

By far one of the catchiest songs I ever heard as a kid. My constant replays and obsession with this song drove my mother crazy. I always wanted to be carefree and not worry so much about what others thought about me. Strut was a small escape, providing me with the confidence I was missing at a young age. Its message to “free your mind” is still relevant to me even today, and I have to remind myself of it every once in a while.

3. Cheetah Sisters

There's a time, when we all choose,

To either quit or follow through.

Just lose faith, or trust your heart,

To somehow lead you through the dark

It’s clear the Cheetah Girls pride themselves on their inner strength, capabilities, and hard work. Talk about an empowering feminist message. Cheetah Sisters is yet another song that doesn’t fall into the love song category, instead focusing on the other qualities that make them so great.

It reminds us that our friends will be there to support us through thick and thin, and by working together we’ll make each other stronger. The Cheetah Girls fought hard for what they have and they demand respect. And we wouldn’t have it any other way. So grab your three closest Cheetah sisters, throw on your tracksuits and belt it out.

2. Girl Power

I know I'm not perfect

It's ok 'cause who could ever be

As long as I did my best

It won't matter what no one says

Girl Power provides the most direct message. These lyrics empower not only girls but everyone. Girl Power reminded me that its okay to make mistakes. That when I do I shouldn’t have to compromise. It reminds me to keep pushing to be the best version of myself, reminding me I’ll come out stronger than before and staying true to who I really am.

1. Cinderella

I'd lie in bed and think about the person that I wanted to be

Then one day I realized that fairy tale life wasn't for me

The lyrics speak for itself. What I consider to be one of their most empowering songs, Cinderella’s simple message has maintained its relevancy since it was released in 2003. Not only does this song promote independence within girls, but ir promotes equality.

Many young girls might feel like they're growing up in a “Man's World,” but this song helps remind young women they're more than capable of taking the reigns in their own life. It reminds young girls that they don’t need to wait around for a man to came and save them. Girls hold the power to save themselves and be their own fairytale ending.

My knight and shining armor is me

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