Cheese, the putty of the gods, is a highly nutritious and palatable food that is derived from milk. It is produced in a wide range of flavors, textures, and forms by coagulation of the milk protein casein. Cheese is highly relevant for one’s diet because it contains a good amount of protein, essential minerals, and vitamins, among other nutrients, according to the International Dairy Foods Association. Now no one knows who exactly made cheese first; however, there are ancient records kept safe throughout the centuries that date the making of cheese to over 4,000 years ago. It has been a staple of the human diet ever since.
In a recent study that went viral, science has proved that cheese can be more addicting than other foods due to the protein casein which releases opiates during digestion called casomorphins. According to dieticians, casomorphins interact with the dopamine receptors and trigger that addictive element in the brain that is similar to that of morphine. Now, while some of you are reading this and thinking about how you are going to gain weight due to this remarkable substance made of natural fats, I encourage you to look towards the land of the enviably slim, gorgeous cheese-obsessed people who reside in the nation of France. That’s right, in addition to France, Italy and Greece make up three of the world’s biggest cheese-consuming countries and these three European countries have some of the lowest rates of obesity and cardiovascular disease in the Western world. Also, cheese contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is not only a proven anti-cancer agent but also a metabolism booster. So obviously, don’t overdo it, eat cheese in moderation. I know it’s hard not to but try.
Among this study is a multitude of reasons and benefits to incorporate more cheese into your life, and I’m not talking about the American processed cheese, often referred to as rubbery or plasticky, packed with preservatives and chemicals. I’m referencing natural cheese that is aged for years, preferably made by real people outside the United States. No offense to the All-American dairy farmers who make great cheese, or the importers, who keep buying international cheese due to the low cost of milk, but if you are unaware, the U.S. is currently home to the largest stockpile of cheese in over 30 years. This is also due to the weakened euro because the markets in the Middle East and Asia are buying from the cheese inventories of Europe rather than the United States. Anyway, yes indeed, dare I say it, there is too much cheese. The United States has amassed so much cheese that the government doesn’t know what to do with it. I think this is just a challenge to see if Americans can eat more cheese than Europeans; in any case, challenge accepted! In fact, according to the International Dairy Foods Association again, the U.S. per capita consumption of natural cheese grew for the third straight year in 2013. And since Americans eat about 33.7 pounds of cheese every year we can easily eat more.
Hence forth, the following are great reasons, if our over-accumulation wasn’t convincing enough, to ingest cheese. Unless you’re lactose intolerant or vegan, then I understand; however, there are some non-awful alternative dairy options out there. Just check out your nearest Whole Foods. Cheese is a complete and excellent non-meat source of protein. It contains the right amount of essential amino acids as well as an abundance of calcium and other minerals including vitamin D and folic acid. Soft cheese has less salt than other foods, including hard cheese. Cheese is full of friendly natural bacteria that can help a number of health issues like Crohn’s disease, colon cancer, and reducing blood pressure and cholesterol. Cheese can also help replace lost minerals in your teeth. Lastly, cheese can make you happy because it contains an amino acid called tyrosine. When broken down, the amino acid makes us feel content.
So, moral of the story: go out and buy some cheese, make an aesthetically pleasing cheese platter, and turn it into fondue. If you're abroad going to a fromagerie and do a tasting, or buy a cheese wheel and cook various pasta in an Italian fashion. These are just some more bougie ways to enjoy cheese but there are much more to discover. Have fun and eat responsibly, or don’t, live your life and I’ll stay in my lane. I’m going to enjoy some Camembert now or bake Gruyère into a pie since I don’t feel like fondue at the moment, Quelle surprise. Side note: remember to celebrate National Cheese Day, June 4, and National Cheese Lover’s Day, January 20, annually.