Dear friends back home,
You know who you are. We grew up together; we went to elementary school, middle school, or high school together. Some of you have known me since I was just a little thing, running around with crooked teeth and wild curly hair. We have watched each other grow up and transform; we have leaped over milestones as individuals and as a group. Some of you know each other, and some of you don't. All of you know me, the real, genuine, silly me. And I know you. We have bonded over sleepovers, tragedies, and triumphs in our hometowns. We love each other, and we miss each other when we're away.
I want to thank each one of you.
Thank you for staying the same in so many ways. We can still rely on each other. If something awful happens, I know I can still call you. If something amazing happens, I know I can send you a text. When we see each other during our short vacations, you are still willing to listen to my stories and to share yours. We can still laugh until we cry over our shared memories and our separate experiences. You remember all of my oddities, and I have yours memorized too. We know each other's deepest secrets and we bring up our most embarrassing moments whenever possible. You fill in the holes in my memory, and I remind you whenever I can of our ridiculous escapades. We have b*tched to each other, laughed at each other, and cried with each other. Although we are each on our own personal journeys, you are still my comfort zones. Thank you for reminding me of the reason that we're still so close every time we see each other.
Thank you for changing. You are growing and learning about yourselves every day, as am I. Every time we see each other again, I can see slight changes. You realized your love for traveling; you discovered the perfect major; sometimes, you have found a new love interest. There are so many other little things that I notice, and as we catch up I catalog the changes. I compare you to the person you used to be, and I smile. You continue to be some of my favorite people in the world.
This break has been enlightening for me. I realized that I've lost touch with some people, and that's okay. More so, it occurred to me that no matter how much time stretches between visits, some of my relationships will remain the same. Some of us don't communicate regularly; sometimes, we don't talk at all until we return home for the holidays. However, that doesn't mean that our relationships aren't just as strong as they have always been. That's due to the fact that our friendships are meant to last. For some reason, we came into each other's lives and stayed there. We bonded and we have remained loyal to each other. I am so appreciative of you. I am indebted to you for your friendship and our memories. This little letter may not be enough to express to you how much I love you, but it's an attempt. I can only hope that you will choose to be a part of my life.
Cheers to the adventures we've had in the past, and to the ones we will have in the future.
Love always,