I have been a cheerleader for nine years. I have loved it every since I put on a uniform, and have always loved the glitz and glam that comes with it (who wouldn't). But, there is so much more to cheerleading that makes it my passion. There is hard work, sisterhood, and togetherness, so many people do not know about those factors. Its not only the fact that people do not know about everything about cheerleading that bothers me, either. It is the fact that people are so close-minded and stereotypical about the sport. "Oh, they just stand there and shake their pom-poms to cheer on the boys. How could that be a sport?" So today, I am going to inform the misinformed about MY SPORT, cheerleading.
Yes, cheerleading did start out as a group of girls boosting school spirit in their schools. And yes, shaking pom-poms and wearing mini skirts were both involved in the process, but that was years ago. Cheerleading has evolved into so much more than a school's support system. Cheerleading has evolved into its own competition, its own sport.
To be a competitive cheerleader, you have to have a variety of skills. You must be able to stunt (lift people into the air or be lifted), tumble (flip), jump (lift your legs off of the ground into flexibility positions), and dance. By putting that all together, a true sport is formed. It is no walk in the park. I am exhausted at the end of every single one of my routines. It can be compared to a full on sprint for two minutes and thirty seconds. Cheerleaders condition, as do all other sports teams, and without it we would all die by the end of the routine. The physicality is definitely present in cheerleading.
But why does cheerleading stand out? Simple: Cheerleaders are the most supportive group of girls that you can have in one place. Other sports have in team competition within their players. They work together, but one person has to be the star, and then the other teammates get jealous. It is not like that at all in cheerleading. If you were to come to a practice, you would hear nothing but encouragement from the coaches and the athletes. That is what makes cheerleading like no other. It is a safe zone where every single person comes out feeling like they are a rockstar.
So to conclude, I have one statement to say. Just because cheerleaders can look good while performing their physical abilities does not meant that we are not athletic. We should be getting bonus points for that rather than hate. Cheerleading is MY sport, and will always be.