Homecoming week for a cheerleader is one of the most stressful, fun, difficult and exciting weeks of the season. It a time when you're asked to be at every school event with a different performance ready on hand. You have pep rallies, moonlight madness, basketball, football, greek life events. You name it, we show up.
Cheer teams look forward to this moment so much, so when it's your last homecoming, it breaks your heart a little. During practice, you unintentionally work little harder. At games, you smile a little more. During the performances, your motions are sharper than ever, with your adrenaline pumping sky high. With everything you do though in the back of your mind you think "Dang, this is my last homecoming".
When you were a freshman on the team, or even a sophomore or a junior, you take it for granted. You have a few more years, before its over, you'll be fine, you'll have time. I must have blinked too fast because time is the last thing I have. Every practice, every game, every performance, I'm so much closer to it being my last.
Homecoming week showed me my true feelings a lot. Every night I would go home feeling so blessed to be on this team. I would think about each of my teammates and think how lucky I am to have gotten to know them. We have bonded more than ever this week. We have pushed ourselves farther than we ever thought. We showed up, and we killed it. Just like that, it's over, homecoming was a successful win.
There is not a word to describe what it feels like to experience your last homecoming as a cheerleader, but the people I did it with will make it unforgettable. I love my Spirit Squad!