If you have not heard already, there is this cool trick that can predict the number of children you will have and their gender. This has slowly but surely taken over social media. Mothers who already have children have tried it and the ring said exactly what these women have. In many videos on Facebook, skeptics have tried this and come out completely astonished because of how accurate this trick is.
In order to attempt this trick, one will need a ring that is often worn (i.e. wedding ring, class ring, mood ring, etc), your dominant hand and a single strand of hair. First, you string the hair in the ring in order to make it look like a necklace. Then, you put your dominant hand flat on a table or other flat surface. Next, you would need to swing the ring back and forth between each of your fingers and hold the ring over the center of your hand, still. If the ring begins to go in circles, this means that your child will be a boy. If the ring goes back and forth, then your child will be a girl. Repeat this every time you get an answer until the ring becomes still. When the ring becomes still, does not circle or go back and forth, this indicates that you are done having children. Another way to do this trick is if you are pregnant and hold the ring above your belly, then it will give you the gender.
This neat, little trick could be used to seriously find out what you are going to have in the future, or for just goofing around with your friends. Either way, there are many people who believe that this works and it could be true for anyone.