Personally, I love my grandparents so much as many others do too. All of shimasanis (my maternal grandmothers) and shicheiis (my maternal grandfathers) are so precious and while I'm with them, I make sure to talk with them and ask questions. I really want to see people my age to do the same.
Don't you ever wonder where certain traditions come from? Who started them? What difficulties has your family gone through? Why did they choose to live where they do? Why are certain family members the way that they are? The "why" questions pile up and they are begging to be asked.
Personally, by asking these questions with a number of my grandparents, I've noticed that I have learned so much not only about the lives that my grandparents have lived, but also about myself.
I have found reasons WHY I believe certain things. I have found reasons why certain patterns have repeated themselves in my family. I have found reasons why my mom and her siblings behave in certain situations. I have found so many answers to my "why" questions that only my grandparents could answer and explain.
Even in college, I talk about my grandma on the daily and I've noticed that many don't talk much about theirs. I understand some may not have their grandparents here on this earth anymore or may feel estranged from them, but it is still worth it to talk to them when a person can.
I have lost grandparents and it is devastating when that loss happens because... you lose more than just a person. You lose their knowledge and experiences. You miss all of the things that you thought would last so much longer.
That is why I encourage everyone of all ages o talk with their grandparents even about the most mundane things. Ask them what they remember from their young days. Ask them where they have traveled. Ask them why they decided to marry or have kids. Ask them how they were raised. Ask them questions to get to know and understand them.
The outcome will probably be bigger than you anticipated and your love for your grandparents will grow immensely.
~ Dedicated to shimasani and shihcheii - ashiine'! <3 ~