While joyful, the holiday season can also be stressful for many and that's A-O.K. Plus, with the added tension that is 2020, this year's holiday season is a lot, to put it simply.
This is your reminder to put yourself first and listen to what you're yearning for. Deep down, you know what you need to thrive and I know that you can get there.
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Here are 11 things to do to pause and check-in with your mental health:
Talk to a therapist
From firsthand experience, a knowledgeable, approachable, no-nonsense therapist can help process all that's swarming your mind.
Dance around your room like no one is watching
Go on a walk
Sometimes, you just need to walk away and into nature.
Journal about how your heart's feeling
Journaling isn't for everyone, but writing or doodling your thoughts can help you organize and maybe release all the mumbo jumbo.
Treat yourself to your favorite meal
You deserve it. You always deserve it.
See Also "16 Guided Meditations To Follow When You Need To Zen Out, From A Meditation Instructor"
Sit down and ask yourself, "How are you really?"
And replies like, "I'm fine," are never allowed.
FaceTime your best friend
If they don't pick up, call again.
Do something just for yourself
This is something I have a hard one figuring out, but some ideas are taking a long bath, turning off your phone for a day, or taking a nap mid-day because that's maybe what you and your body need!
Take a break from social media
One hour, one day, one week or month – just delete the app for a little bit of time.
Give yourself a break
Treat the holidays as your vacation from people, places, things that bring you down. This is your time to enjoy the sunshine that lies within yourself (pssst, even if you can't see it, feel it, imagine it, it's there).