Here we are again. It’s been a long and hard three months for Brock Turner who was released from jail this past week after only serving half of his sentence. I wrote about this exceptionally vile human being a few months back and wanted to see how he was doing now that he’s a “free” man again.
One of the first points I touched on was how he should hope that he serves the full six months to give the news cycle a chance to forget or get bored with his story like they always do with stories that won’t garner likes and shares. Unfortunately for him, three months wasn’t enough time for the media to decide to forget about his story. He’s back in the public eye after taking a media vacation for a little while.
He has also been expelled from Stanford. He can’t even go back to school there and if he had any inkling of intelligence left, he would wait a little while longer before he tries going back to any college that is dumb enough to accept a convicted rapist. I doubt going back to school will be high on his priority list though considering he has to figure out how to adjust to life as a registered sex offender.
Speaking of that, he has five days to register as a Tier 3 sex offender in his home state of Ohio where he presently resides. Ohio operates on a tiered system with Tier 1 being the lowest and Tier 3 being the most severe. Every 90 days he must report to the Sheriff’s office and will be subject to random drug and alcohol tests. In addition to that, he must pay 100 dollars to register in the system and then another 25 dollars every three months. If he moves from his Ohio residence to another county, he will have to register with that new county. There’s no way he can get away from his conviction; it will follow him wherever he goes.
I also thought that his mother and family would effectively disown him, except for the father since he’s a deadbeat who can’t teach his son right from wrong. His mother actually stood by his side and felt sympathy for him, something I find almost unbelievable.
Outside of my predictions, there have been some changes in California. According to NPR, the California assembly voted unanimously to impose mandatory sentencing for rape. A similar law is already on the books but this one adds the stipulation to include assault on an unconscious person where force is not necessary for the perpetrator.
Judge Persky, the judge that presided over Turner’s trial, has removed himself from criminal cases and will now instead only hear civil cases after public outcry that he step down from his position. Even though he has asked for reassignment, the campaign to remove Persky is pushing for a ballot vote next November that would force Persky out.
It’s been a hard three months for the mistake known as Brock Turner. The good news is that it won’t be getting any easier for him.