I’d like to take a moment to talk about something that is becoming more prevalent and accepted in today's dating society, something that I feel is unhealthy and downright sad. Often times, when I’m scrolling through social media, I’ll notice different memes or posts joking about cheating in relationships. What really upsets me about these posts is that it now seems loyalty in relationships is a blessing, not a requirement.
Why is it that in this day and age, being faithful in a relationship is something people get rewarded for? It’s beginning to seem sort of revolutionary to stay true solely because that’s what a relationship should be— two people committed to each other. Now I understand that things don’t work out and people move on to new relationships, but that is no excuse to pursue another person while someone else is still pursuing you. I’ve (primarily) noticed men being praised for staying loyal, and even worse, excused when they don’t. It’s mind boggling to me that all of the sudden loyalty no longer seems to be the norm.
Now I know plenty of people in healthy relationships to which this doesn’t apply. I’m solely talking broad scale and the vibes I’m getting from my age group's culture as a whole. I have been in the room and heard guys discuss cheating on their girlfriends and listened to them affirm each other in their choices. In these situations, I rarely heard anyone hold those cheating accountable for their actions. And of course, with the implication that cheating is so casual, comes the implication that there’s no need for your significant other to know. Telling them would only make them upset, so why does it matter? It matters because it’s wrong.
Cheating doesn't have to be physical. Although it may sound silly in theory, I believe in emotional cheating as well. Talking to someone behind your significant other’s back as if they are not in the picture is still being dishonest and disloyal.
I also acknowledge there are all sorts of people with all sorts of attractions out there and some people choose to have open relationships which may include multiple partners. That’s fine, to each their own. I’m specifically talking about people who promise exclusivity to each other. I cannot wrap my head around when the concept of commitment became so weak.
Also, it kills me that people seem to view it as something that can easily be justified. If they get caught, some excuses and a sincere apology are supposed to do the trick to mend the relationship that perhaps they don’t really value so much after all. And the media is still making those who don’t cheat feel like saints even though all they’re doing is exactly what they initially agreed to do. It doesn’t make sense.
Again, I know there are so many people out there with wonderful, healthy, happy relationships. Dating is such a fun, exciting time. Let’s just remember that pledging your loyalty to someone is a choice. So why have we let it become just an option? When did loyalty become a gift instead of a given?