10. Formula 10.0.6 "Thirst No More" Moisturizer ($8.00) | The Odyssey Online
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12 Beauty Products For Those Broke College Students Who Don't Have $23 For Kylie's 'Lip Kit'

Sorry, Kylie.

12 Beauty Products For Those Broke College Students Who Don't Have $23 For Kylie's 'Lip Kit'

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It wasn't until a few years ago that makeup became a huge part of my life. Throughout middle school, I denied the idea of wearing makeup because I found it to be *too girly.* (I also wore a T-shirt and sweatpants every day, but that's another article for another day).

As I entered high school, I experimented more with makeup. On days off, I would try and make my own eyeliner or eyeshadow out of coconut oil and crayons, which I do not recommend. During the summer, I would walk up to the dollar store near my house and buy L.A. Girl eyeshadow palettes, or test looks on my best friend's little sister with her Justice makeup.

When I started doing makeup on myself, I would shut myself in my room and immediately take it all off before leaving. There was something that just made me uncomfortable in makeup.

During my sophomore year of high school, I started wearing makeup more. I got into watching YouTube videos and beauty influencers, like Jeffree Star and NikkieTutorials, and learned how to properly do makeup.

As my love for makeup began to expand, I felt as if I needed the name brand products these influencers kept mentioning. Companies like "Tarte," "Too Faced," "Anastasia Beverly Hills," and "Urban Decay" were being mentioned in every video I watched, so I felt as if I needed to buy their products. That was until I saw their prices.

I have never loved spending a lot of money on any one product, so I knew I had to make do with what I could find for cheaper. Drugstore brands may seem scary, but trust me, they are worth it. After a few years of trying out dozens of new drugstore and lower-end makeup lines, I finally found some of my favorite makeup items that are super affordable for those of us who are on a college-friendly budget.

1. Covergirl’s TruBlend Foundation ($11.49)

Not only does this foundation have an incredible shade range, but it is also extremely full coverage. A little product goes a long way with this foundation, and there's also no oxidation (turning darker over time)!

2. Makeup Revolution Vivid Baked Bronzer ($6.00)

This bronzer with a summer tan? Gorgeous! If you are extremely pale like me, this bronzer is amazing at giving your skin that extra bit of glow you may need. Plus, it chisels those cheekbones so nicely!

3. Covergirl’s Lashblast Volume Mascara ($8.99)

Lashes, extend! Thanks to my BFF, I was introduced to this mascara and I've been telling everybody about it. It rarely clumps and makes your lashes look naturally lengthy.

4. NYX Liquid Lipsticks ($7.00)

I cannot say enough about these liquid lipsticks. For starters, they come in so many different nudes and pinks. The smaller tubes are so adorable and come in a variety of fun colors you can play with. They are extremely long wear and non-drying.

5. Morphe Mini Eyeshadow Palette ($12.00)

Morphe products, in general, are great for those of us on a budget. Their mini-palettes offer everything their larger palettes do in terms of color and blendability. I have so many in my drawers at home! These are especially great if you have limited storage or if you travel frequently and need some glam on-the-go!

6. Benefit POREfessional Face Primer Mini ($13.00)

If you feel as if your face gets oily, or you need a little something to put on before foundation, then this is for you. The travel size is your best option in terms of price because the full size is $32. A little bit goes a long way!

7. ColourPop No Filter Concealer ($6.00)

Coverage, coverage, coverage! For only $6.00, this concealer does wonders. Have an 8 a.m. and don't want to look too tired? Pop this on and blend away!

8. ColourPop Ultra Glossy Lip  ($6.00)

My favorite part about this gloss is that it's not sticky. Of course, your hair will get caught in it when the wind blows, but it does not feel like superglue on your lips (*cough* Kylie Cosmetics *cough*).

9. ColourPop "Yes, Please!" Palette ($16.00)

Yes, this is the third ColourPop item in a row, but you cannot beat their prices! This palette might be my favorite palette of all time, especially for everyday wear. It has colors that are both practical and fun!

10. Formula 10.0.6 "Thirst No More" Moisturizer ($8.00)

I have extremely dry skin due to an auto-immune disease I have, and this moisturizer is the only one that seems to be able to moisturize my face the best. This brand also has incredibly relaxing face masks that I use on the daily!

11. Morphe Continuous Setting Spray ($16.00)

While this item isn't a necessity for an everyday makeup routine, it is nice to have on hand. On your days where it feels as if you are never getting out of class, at least you will know you look good with your makeup still in place!

12. Flower Beauty Pots Powder Blush ($6.99)

Not only is this makeup line run by the queen Drew Barrymore, but it has some of the best blushes around. They come in such cute colors, designs, and smell so good.

The next time you are out looking for makeup and want to save some cash, check out these products! You can thank me later.

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