College is an expensive time. Most of us have to resort to the worst of the worst when it comes to beer selection. Unless you're picking up a 6 pack of Imperial Double Indian Pale Ales for your philosophy club meeting, these are the domestics you're probably putting down on a Friday night. Or Monday night. Whatever works for you.
NOTE: These shitbrews are presented in a very particular, well researched, and undebatable order.
6. Keystone Light
Keystone, in any variation, is the worst beer in existence. It has the aroma of a stagnant pool of creek water. Its taste resembles that of your high school football pads. The only excuse to buy this beer is for camping trips, maybe tailgating, and some good old fashioned self loathing. However, to be fair, Keith Stone is a stroke of marketing genius.
5. Rolling Rock
A beer that self identifies as "extra pale." When your beer tastes like nothing, that's probably a fair description. Rolling is cheap, but so are other beers so there's really no reason to go with this one unless your favorite color is green. However, that's a really poor way to make a decision.
4. Pabst Blue Ribbon
This (100% legitimate and definitely not fake) advertisement is the only thing PBR has going for it. Also, if you're running low on cash and still need beer for your philosophy club meeting, this brew is right up your ironic alley. This one may have been in the Top 3 at one point in time, but then they went and sold it to the Russians. Unforgivable.
3. Bud Light
The dad beer. Quality watered down Sunday potion. They make their cans look like little blue footballs and that's what this beer is for: throwing at other people. Not really. Bud Light is the sit-on-your-ass-and-watch-football-all-day kind of beer. And why feel guilty about the calories when you're drinking water with beer flavoring. Their "Up for Whatever" camping offers a nice contrast for when you finally feel like getting off your ass for a Pitbull concert. Dale.
2. Coors Light
When you're entire marketing strategy is based off of the temperature of your beer, who gives a damn about the taste. Coors Light is cold. Real cold. Their cans and bottles even have a magic sticker on them that turns blue when they're cold. You don't even have to touch your beer to check! Even Ice Cube endorses Coors Light. Doesn't get much colder than that.
1. Busch
Flintstones approved.